Subtle little wonders

Popped round to see Miss the other night, and we were just lazing about on the sofa, my legs draped over her crotch available to her wandering hand.

I'd been wearing a cock ring to keep foreskin back during the day and do a bit of tenderising as i wandered about during the day. She found it and just lightly dragged her fingers over the head, through my trousers, scraping the head softly as it swelled and i moaned.

Her music was on, another weird sample of Rutger Hauer's death speech on the middle (about every other track on her collection samples it). Then it went a tempo as the Italian would say and she just pinched the head between her fingers and pumped away to keep time. It was fast and slightly rough,  and heavenly.

A shame a map argument developed and she had to slope off to check a fact I'd already proved.

Come back Miss, the knoblet misses you!

But that part of the evening had sadly passed. 


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