Slut season! Bitch season! Slut season! Bitcy season!

Done in the style of Daffy Duck and Bugs arguing about rabbit season and duck season...

My kink life is split into two seasons- the normal hairy (ish) me and the post sport season when (freed from the need to look more or less normal in the changing rooms) I shave down to have smooth legs and chest etc. 

In my mind these two phases of the year are Bitch season and Slut season. Slut season is obvious. Shaved smooth and dressed to the nines in stockings and severely controlling undergarments and dressed in my finest sluttish outerwear i spend long evenings smeared across Miss' sofa, legs akimbo and her firm hand grasping the contents of my knickers making me pant and tremble. 

This is our default really. Miss prefers me dressed up and the Winter offers more time for play when i am not standing around in a field watching clouds and rehearsing for infinity. 

But this leaves the Summer as an opportunity which is underutilised. I don't feel comfortable being hairy in a dress, but the heat (such as it is here) means it should be a good time to be kept naked, collared and lead about on a leash. Maybe a nice choke chain or  belt looped around my neck.  Mittened, forced to hump Miss' lovely knee boots or lie at her feet while she watches Netflix or surfs the web for outrage (she doesn't set out to but seems to find it all the same). With a rolled up copy of the paper of record to hand so that when she finds some idiotic guff on the web, that she will assume i support, she can swipe me across the muzzle for my temerity. 

Time perhaps to be hand fed the odd choice scraps from her plate or more bulk filling items from a dog bowl. Alcohol lapped from a saucer to render me woozy, dopey and compliant (white wine never tastes as good lapped from a saucer).

Then tummy rubs from her feet and more humping of her soles. Maybe a chance to climb onto the sofa beside her, to be her properly fauthful lapdog and nuzzle across her, mittened paws folded under my head and stroked lovingly while i press close.

What say you Miss a long summer for Binty the wonder pooch?


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