A night with Miss - 1

I'm very lucky to quite regularly spend time with Miss, who is sparkling company, makes a mean bacon sandwich and has an abiding interest in playing with my cock.

We have a typical pattern to those nights, and I'm both very happy with them and not going to reveal them to an disinterested public.

But i can always fantasize about what might happen. On a common or garden variety evening...

Miss greets me at the door. There is a warm welcoming smile as ever and this is reciprocated. She leans in close and spins me round to face the wall inside the door. She presses in close and pushes her leg between mine to spread them then squishes me against the wall, pressing herself into me and her hands roam roughly over my body. Her hands maul my tits through the thin shirt. They grasp and squeeze each firm handful and settle to firmly pinching the nipples beneath. I'm panting heavily already and i protest that i should get the wine in the fridge.

She speaks firmly into my ear that that can be sorted later and moves her hands to my fat bottom. Each cheek is gripped and squeezed, pinched and slapped tenderised and with me pushed flat against the wall with her so close behind.

She finishes and leans into me. An arm goes around my neck and her left reaches down to my fly. She can feel the hardness and works the zip and roughly reaches in dragging out the swollen lump. Her breath is in my ear as she tells me how nice it is to see you Knoblet, as she squeezes my knoblet so hard i squeak. She pumps it a little and my squeaks become sighs and moans and she laughs about how easy i am.

I can't form a coherent reply, so just nod, throat held firm by her strong right arm.

She pumps til my moans rise in pitch and stops.

She starts again, pumping until the voice rises, and stops.

She starts again, pumping harder and slower though my squeaks rise even more quickly now.

She stops, holding her knoblet firmly in her grip. Feeling it pulse and throb in her hand, a frightened animal with every right to be.

She squeezes it hard. Slowly tightening til she can feel it compress in her fist. I squeal in pained yelps. She eases her grip then reapplies it with a drag drawing out a long tear of pre-cum. She gleefully points out his shame to him and rubs it vigourously into his cock head with her thumb until the flesh is again dry and i am squirming with over stimulation.

Satisfied with her overture she let's go of the knoblet,  points him to the kitchen and sends him to it with a hearty slap to a buttock which makes him yelp and stings her hand 

'Get that vino in rhe fridge boy!'

'Yes Miss'.


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