A relaxing hotel rendezvous - 3

Mistress luxuriated in her bath, soaking in the hot sudsy water. There was no rush, no need to return to the squirming little bundle she'd left tied to the bed. She had long since broken him of any delusions that he had any control over what happened to him during their sessions.  There had been the 'you don't care enough' revolt. Crushed. There had been the 'script' revolt. Crushed. Then the 'timekeeping' revolt. Also crushed.

She lay in the bath and lapped water over her enormous breasts and smiled to think that a few feet away he writhed in intense bondage and electrical stimulus -unwanted and slowly 'cooking' his sensitive spots. She recalled again the crushing of his revolts. The sad little face when she beat his cock and balls with the ruler to show she'd remembered his implement and so proved she cared enough to bring it and cared enough to use it. She really enjoyed that one and to be fair he was right about the ruler and she pleasantly recalled his sad little face as she beat him again and again - hard thwacks on cock and balls.

That was the same solution to the time revolt- when he complained she didn't do a full session - ending too early. In the last half hour of the session following that she had just applied the ruler to his nuts. 

'See i brought the ruler - i care!'

Then after each firm tap to his tied nuts

'Still another half hour to go. Or do you want me to stop now.'

Funnily enough he was content to stop short of time. But being a stickler she kept going until they hit 7pm. He sat ever so gingerly at dinner that night... 

She recalled the even sadder face he'd made when he'd asked for a gentle tie and tease session with mummification and she had simply tied him to the bed and teased his frustrated body with her new favourite sex toy- the wooden ruler. Thighs, belly, nips and junk had had a lengthy afternoon of being stroked and spanked with it until all were reddy pink. While he was pretty teary throughout, his kisses when she pressed her breasts to his face were surprisngly tender.  Again she made sure to give him the full 5 hours. 

She lay and wriggled herself in the warm waters, recalling these happy memories. Easily recalled even for one with a bad memory because they were all the same. All his complaints had been swept aside and overturned by a simple but robustly applied method. The evidence of her success was incontrovertible.  He complained and cried on occasion but he kept coming back. Years on from their first session he was still paying up like a cash machine. He could go anywhere or see anyone else and yet he still arranged to see her,  to fall at her feet and submit to what ever she decided. He didn't even pretend at suggestions anymore, no nonsense about requests. He just booked a time and agreed a location and turned up on time for the rendezvous. If he knew what was good for him...

This state of affairs was very pleasing to her, to her dominant heart. She'd enjoyed these sessions of control for years and turning professional had only heightened the sexual thrill of having her stable of cocks to toy with. The power rush of having them turn up and submit, to lie before her helpless and exposed,  to moan and pant and squeal as she dictated. Beautiful. The thick wad of notes tucked into her ample bra was the icing on the cake. The monetary proof she was as amazing as she felt. She stroked herself tenderly and shuddered briefly and silently as she climaxed quickly and strongly.

But something was missing yet. It seemed somehow remiss that her panting submissive was getting all the actual pleasure and she was having to do it herself.

While she had long ago turned his natural desire to serve into long foot pampering sessions at the start of 'his' sessions, it seemed somehow not enough. That he was copping out, lying back and soaking up her ministrations like a selfish sponge. A greedy, selfish sponge. Her mind fell into a regular groove. She felt that he was a lazy bondage junkie and she resolved to make him do more. Who did he think he was anyway? Lord Muck, lounging about panting and moaning to orgasm after orgasm. Ruined to the best of her ability admittedly, ruined such that each yielded a genuine sob of anguish but still spoilt rotten. Spoilt very badly she laughed to herself.

Her mind fell into its usual channel and  her self righteous streak burned strongly. Her resolve hardened into a clear plan, a clear resolution. She trembled again in the bath as she lapped warm water over her crotch,  feeling her clit throb appreciatively, still sooo sensitive from the climax.

Lie back and just do nothing will you you lazy little fucker she thought. Well not for long. Not anymore. Time for you to step up and earn your pleasures fucko.

The water had started to cool slightly and she stirred, adding a last bit before rinsing then rising. She towelled off and slipped on her comfiest lace trimmed panties and her satin short nightie, which allowed sensitive flesh to be held snugly and other parts to roll and sway delightfully. Firm of resolve she stepped out of the bathroom and threw back the covers. As he yelped for an easing of his electrics, shw shushed him and climbed onto the bed to start the next stage of her control of him.


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