Huzzahs, five of em

I was let down by a friend who was poorly. So i went round to see Miss and was 'let down' by her. 5 times.

Wasn't what i asked for, but was very much what i needed. Before and after a visit  to town. Three before and two after. Probably another left in the tank when i left again to face the cold and bleak weather. To return ravaged but happy to home and hearth.

There's something lovely about Miss leaning over me to grab me in her firm but tender hand, teeth poised threateningly but ultimately kindly on my left tit as she strokes me til i shriek and shudder.

Then to fall into a powerful sleep, mind wiped, exhausted and freed from the tyranny of petty thought. To wake refreshed, to find Miss by my side again and eager to start again on my flesh.

Such a happy fate for a cold day, snow outside, but snuggled up waking to orgasms ripped from my bed (coaxed anyway) then sweet oblivion. All day long on a loop... sigh


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