Motivational speaking - idea

I'm a big believer in the principle of waste not want not. Perhaps this is part of the depression era values inculcated in a child raised in times of plenty. But frugality and related disciplines help to avoid being wasteful and focus the mind on ways to reuse and recycle.  In a range of circumstances...

I imagine myself tied down on the bed in a hotel of my acquaintance, by a friend of my acquaintance. It's not hard to imagine as it happens often - happily.

Mistress is lying next to me. So close i can feel her breath. Smell too the scent of the sweet coffee i have made for her. I'm blindfolded and gagged but all the more attentive to her words for that.

She is taking to me, explaining things. How i belong to her. How i will always belong to her. How she has been and will continue to break me down, crush my misguided sense of self. Build me up again where my only worth comes from my service to her. And more and more in this vein. Softly spoken but firm and repetitive and insidious.

She finishes her little sermon with a strongly worded mantra about my belonging to her and presses stop on the record feature. She saves the file as 'Value' and adds it to a play list. She sets play list to repeat. She jacks headphones into the phone and then jacks me into the phone.  She hits play.

The file is a few minutes long. She kicks back and plonks her feet on my chest. The phone is repeating her words til the mood strikes her to change it. The message might be reinforced with periodic teasing, but she's free to mix that in with doing what she wants on her phone. There is only silence and the tiny buzz of her voice in my ears.

After a time she's relaxed but the mood strikes her to add a stronger homily. An ear bud is dislodged and the record feature brought into play. She launches into a very mean assessment of my many failings- physical, emotional and moral. Low words are offered and with venom into my ear. The tirade continues in loops with strong critique of my physical self allied to firm grasps of the 'problem' areas. It ends with a requirement to buck my ideas up and devote myself properly to my place - serving Mistress in whatever capacity i may be so grateful as to be allowed. That abject service is my only hope for salvation. It is not nice. I feel eviscerated and unable to defend myself. Literally.

She stops the file and saves it as Salvation.

It is added to its own list. To prevent me from relaxing it is switched on. The abuse will continue for as long as she cares to have it play.

As the mood strikes she can add whatever she wants me to hear. Nice. Nasty. Her fantasies. Indoctrination and inculcating obedience. Long or short. Whatever takes her fancy.

Because recorded she can just decree i must listen to it whenever she wants a message reinforced. It has gone from ephemera, from treasured memory to a tool she can use whenever and forever.

Thanks to a shared link, afterwards she can also recycle it for any other slaves she wants to ensnare. A 'free' gift to help them understand their place, and help her fill the long hours of their own incarceration when they have been brought to it.

Like i say, waste not want not.


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