More than three huzzahs

The other day i was round at Miss's place for a typical 'mooch' - a bit of a relax, bit of sexual assault, Miss time and then eventual bed. All very relaxed and there's something very sweet about being draped over your Miss's thighs while she works over the knoblet til it cries little tears of unfulfilled desire (my phone auto completed that so sorry as it means i must have used it before). All while Miss is obviously and whole heartedly enjoying doing it.


On being 'subtly' woken next morning i tried to gently persuade Miss that i was trying to be a better man, and she should refrain from making me climax. This is partly because I'm a better submissive when denied. Partly because I don't genuinely think i deserve the escape of release. It's also partly because, since she bit me so  hard that she stole my sense of orgasm that I'm terrified she'll do it again.

Miss was having none of it. 'Better man protestations got a bollox and off she went.

And bless her twice over because she didn't chew away my orgasms, though reading this she'll be tempted no doubt next time. She did leave chunky bruises on me, chest and thigh but these came after so i got my juddering and shuddering releases.

For next time some thoughts.

If you are going to force me to climax you might like to really test my fecundity. Three is something i can do and you've demonstrated that well. A ruined one first, followed up a few minutes later by a shrieker. Half an hour or so and i should be ready for another gentle start and rough ending third.

But there is probably more in the tank, however unpleasant it'll be for me to give it up.

A nap will follow the third - drained as I'll have been and weak as a kitten. A short nap always refreshes me so i can be woken with a gentle teasing of my tits, followed by grip on my thickening knoblet, a grip that can flex and firm as i start to harden, can coax another with sweetly firm strokes until I'm crossing over into another orgasm whereupon a firmer stroke will conclude things in the appropriately intense way.

After which it'll be time to have a shower. The cleansing jets of water have a similar effect as a nap, acting to somewhat revitalise me. I'll towel off and dress and feel refreshed, relaxed and ready for departure. A light breakfast might be taken. But this partial reset will allow me to recharge sufficent for one last shameful episode.

You could just march me to the bathroom and park me in front of the mirror or the bath tub, get me to drop my trousers and again get your hand upmy shirt to tweak and rub those ever sensitive nubs. This will need to start tenderly, teasing and coaxing but when the path to orgasm is assured you can firm  up to wring maximum suffering out of the knoblet for this last excruciating little tickle.

Depending on how tired your arm is there are other options to minimise the effort from you. You could get me to do the prep work  - shamefully gripping myself until I'm ready for you to finish me - to make sure there is no slacking of brutality at the end for having me do it.

Or you could just plug in the vibe and leave it to do its relentless work. It's pace never slows, never changes grip, just buzzes away at the right spot til the outcome required is achieved.

After which it will be time to put the knoblet away and crawl out to face the day, my sex ravaged and rubbed raw, and even the thought of a pretty girl or sex banished from my head. Flushed away as surely as secretions in a sink. Or a tub.

Huzzah! Times 5. Exhilarating prospect no?


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