Attempts to be a better me

It's 2019 and it's new year's resolution type time. I've resolved to try to be the best submissive i can be, as all too often I'm too human, prone to sulks or strops or just failure to be as helpful and supportive as i can be. I've so many flaws and this year it's time to try to fix some.

So a for instance - Mistress just insists on me making her a hot beverage when we go somewhere. Curt to the point of being abrupt. This is just as it should be. She never says please and never says thank you. The manners thing can irritate me though.

But why? I was thinking about this over the festive break and kept asking myself why i was projecting normal expectations and normal me on to a situation like that?

So I've resolved to thank her for the opportunity to make her a warming beverage when next i see her and everytime i see her. Just a simple 'thank you Mistress' as i serve her. As i hand over the coffee. Or finish bathing her feet, or whatever she has me do. Be properly grateful. Because i am happy to serve - it fulfils me. So i should express my gratefulness and happiness.

Hopefully I'll get the odd bit of praise too. No bigger aphrodisiac than to give good service and make your Mistress happy and get a 'good boy'. Yummy.

Hopefully I'll have help to keep me on the straight and narrow too. Keep me very straight and verrry narrow 😁 with some gagging thrown in to keep my mouth shut and thus help me avoid talking my way into trouble...🤐


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