The curious nature of bruises

So i was round at Miss's for the celebration of 15 years of happy fooling about in various ways. Despite work delaying me i got in in time for food and chat, and after a short while a nice warming bath as we reminisced about sessions past.

Shaved and dressed we sat demurely on the couch for a time,  drinking wine and just chilling. Before time slipped away too far i persuaded Miss upstairs for a proper bit of psmpering. Which I'm pretty sure she enjoyed, despite regular complaints...

Whilst working in another dollop of lotion ('gloop!') I suggested that on the morrow she commemorate each of the orgasms she intended to inflict on me with a bite leading to a bruise. Also that she time each so that when i looked at my bruises after I'd know exactly what was happening when they had been inflicted.

 She was taken with the idea but when next morning she returned to have her way with me, she ruined the first and didn't do that. No sooner had i mentally begun to complain than her teeth found a bit of flesh on my shoulder and sank in deep.

I had barely recovered from this before she was at me again and this time led me to a full crunching orgasm. Her teeth found my upper arm this time, and were so forceful in their commemoration that i had to try to squirm to get away.

She let me rest briefly and then started again, my sore nubbin reacting as she wanted it to, getting hard and clinbing to another orgasmic peak. This time though her teeth found my left breast beneath the red satin of my nightie, and biting down hatd as i was clinaxing actually desyroyed the orgasm. Or swamped it. I wasn't even sure if had ejaculated, so intense was the bite.  Much later, and over lunch in our posh restaurant, i had to ask softly if i had even ejaculated. Her reassurance that i had was actually scant reassurance. I've never had my climax stolen through pain. I had to try to stop her by pushing me away, so intense was it.

After the events in the bed i looked at my flesh, disappointed not to see bruises til i noticed instead just her teeth marks, red and vivid in my pale skin.

They have broken nicely into dark patches now, and for a day my arm was actually sore to move. Oddly the most intense has left no bruise on my white  breast.  I am saddened in a way, but am sure Miss will make sure somehow next time.

As we toasted - to 15 years and to many more...


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