why another?

The post title poses one question but of two different things. The first - why write at all. I have an audience of one and why carry on. A subject for another post.

The question posed though is why do I need or want another? I am blessed in so many ways with happinesses, of all kinds, so why do I need still more?

A question that I should answer as the audience of one (Hi Miss) deserves one from someone who's become her friend as well as her grateful helpmeet.

The answer is in part greed. How much is enough when it comes to happiness? There may be only one yacht to water ski behind but when does one stop wanting to feel all that life can give and store the full measure of happiness against the pain and sadness that will inevitably show up?

But in that above there is the rest of the answer. All that life can give is difference,  even if subtle variations on the same tunes. Miss and Mistress are different and do and enjoy different things. That last has always been hugely important to me. I can't enjoy things, certainly not properly and often not at all if I know the other person isn't enjoying it.

So happiness has different flavours and I share different things that make us all happy. Some are mechanical - Miss likes to spank. Mistress likes to ruin me. But also how each of us just generally are as in what kind of person - Mistress takes the most dreadful liberties with things ' like going through my phone. Miss would never do that and be horrified at the suggestion. I'm horrified at tge intrusion and its also very scary but I can't deny there is also a strange appeal..

I care for them both and am happy in their company at play or just socially but their differences make them both attractive and I've been happier for knowing them both.

Miss, feel free to judge me for taking liberties. You will take it out of my hide when next we're alone. Even if in mock outrage.

Mistress feel free to judge me if you find this on my phone on Friday. In my defence you're pretty fed up with what I write to you direct already so thought you'd rather not have still more stuff  from me to read...

The defence rests.


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