Just an ordinary Friday, if not typical

So to finish something, a thing I'm not good at.

I said I'd been to see Miss for a quiet evening of conversation,  wine and physical pampering.

The Friday just passed I went round to finish what I had begun.

But the only satisfaction to be had was emotional. Her house had some work done to it and needed upkeep. Some curtains were involved. It took far longer than we could have guessed. I had duties of my own and couldn't stay too long.

Suffice to say there was time for an all too brief spanking to reward me for my helpfulness, a tease for me and a longer period spent on adoring Miss and then it was off I went. Still locked. And celebrating my second week in my chastity device as I type.

Being the greedy slut I am I am of course thrilled to be denied still.

I am disappointed that I didn't get more than the 5 minutes or so of teasing I got abd still more so that there was only half an hour of pleasing for Miss, even if we did share the chocolate I'd hidden at hers on Tuesday night. Not even time to break out the massage lotion (shame shame).

But I'm content that I was useful. And am happier in not getting my own selfish pleasure. And most importantly Miss is happy her house is getting back to normal and that's the most important thing.


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