an interlude for happiness part two - play

So having worked my little socks off on day one, day two was about play, a session lasting not quite 24 hours.

So arrived early and went immediately to a bath. Miss suggests this is because I'm 'stinky' but after a shower already its to let me shave my legs... This is a lovely lead in as she pulls up a chair and we have a chat and some banter. Nice deep relaxing bath and good company. Yummy.

Then out and dressing time. Black seamed hold up stockings, black lace panties, long black gloves and my favourite red satin short nightie. And then a problem - I'd thought ribbons to tie around the tops of the stockings and the gloves. Red ribbons to contrast the black. But perhaps LPD hadn't read my email properly (certainly so). Perhaps my email hadn't been so clear (also very much the case). There were some sulky moments on my part but we got there in the end, I got beribboned and Miss refrained from slapping me silly. My red leather sensory deprivation hood closed out further discussion and with leather cuffs on my wrists and a leather waist belt to attach cuffs too it was downstairs for some pictures, guided blinded downstairs with more care than I need or deserve - I've walked those stairs for years.

After pictures with and without nipple pumps back upstairs for a quick bit of rope bondage  in a chair, while Miss siddled up next to me and stroked me all over in such a tender romantic way (code for not so much touching my 'knoblet' as she calls my penis, and on occasion me). Headache inducing hood swapped for blindfold and blissfully I drifted off - my hands bound tightly in front may have reached out to touch her where I could to pass back to her my happiness.

After that a visit to the bondage chair for more of the same but with better tightness around my chest and neck. A harder time of it for me as I can't lean into Miss in the same way. She leans close into me and I feel her warmth and smell her perfume (a gift from a close friend) and her hands roam over my body and, if I am very lucky her knee  grinds up between my legs and I just have to take it, longing to wrap myself around her, but just pinned and squirming as much as I can.

All too soon it was late morning and time for me to be packed away.  I have been lucky enough to serve Miss for many years and have become a friend.  But friendship should not impose a burden on another's livelihood so I am very clear that other gentleman callers should not be turned away on my account, even when I'm one myself. So for this  i earn my reward - almost 3 hours in a rubber bondage bag, blindfolded and forced to listen to what Miss thinks is music...hours of trance music with curious scifi quotes weaved into it. I complain but after an hour or two they grow on you. And with arms internally sleeved in the bag there's nothing to do save develop an appreciation and try not to focus on the little niggles that accumulate in longer bondage positions.  I'm mainly successful - drifting in a warm cosy bondage, dreaming of the moment when Miss will come back to me. Miss left my knoblet exposed and it swelled and ebbed as my thoughts wandered. I could probably frottage myself against the soft and warming duvet. It's been a while since my last so I'm desperately frustrated. But I don't even try. There's so much left to do in the session and it'd be a shame to ruin it. Plus I like being frustrated. More than that I deserve it. So like a heroine in my favourite bondage novels I strive to deny myself and long for my knoblet to be punished (in just the right way pretty please).

And then I hear the solid tread,  the creak of floorboards. She is coming back! My heart soars and less glamorous bits swell too. Miss' s hand goes to the knoblet and I swoon. I wish this moment could last and last but there are other things to do so alas I'm freed and the day continues...


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