
Showing posts from February, 2018

Another brief aside for happiness

As I have a readership of one at the moment a quick diversion from the task at hand to life. I spent a very happy couple of days with Miss last week. While doing the classic pretend to go to work but actually sneak around to see your favourite Dominatrix - LPD. Day one was work. Dressed in sensible tights, plain black dress and pinny (dirty before I started for some reason?) there was time to clean bathroom before being bound in bed - blindfolded and cuffed arms to waist belt while forced to listen to the idiosyncratic music of Miss. While she attended to another gentleman caller and I squirmed in bed unable to do more than wriggle and twitch in my strongly gusseted pants. Then an afternoon of cleaning the kitchen, the floors hoovering from bottom (sorry Johnnie) to top.  Before a brief chance to lie next to Miss and hold her close and hug her tight and whisper breathy nothings in her ear about tomorrow.  A good day of work, if not at work per se.

Can you please give me the time?

As someone who thinks a great deal about submissive things thoughts come unbidden and sometimes the urge to submit is huge. It's all one can do to not throw one's self on the ground at a woman's feet and beg for the chance to kiss her from the toes on up. Or wandering around at lunch in a haze wishing a big white van will turn up and sweep me away from the world as I know it to a warm dungeon and a warmer Mistress to rule over me forever. One such time I was travelling back from a family event in the wide brown land. I was home, in a way, but a long way from home and with family but alone. We'd stopped on a road trip at a typical roadside petrol station. As I stretched my legs a car pulled up with two younger women in it. Both not overly good looking, one in a light coloured dress with flip flops and hair done up loosely on her head. The other in a T shirt and loose tracksuit pants, light grey and covering a bitchy heavy bottom and plain trainers.  She had shorter dar
Well after a friendly dedication to my wonderful Miss, what will I be writing about?  A happy combination of real life experiences and fantasy. Aka irl (in real life) and ifl (in fantasy land). And for why Keats for why? Because I have nothing too precious to add about the submissive condition,  but nevertheless I'd like to pass on my thoughts so that,  lest the worst happen, these things aren't lost,  like tears in rain,  but get passed on and picked up and inspire sth, even if only sth mucky. Better that than be lost. Anyways my blog will be a mix of reality,  as I have been lucky enough to experience it, and my fantasies,  which I have also been lucky enough to not experience,  dark as they are.   I'm not diligent enough to complete things, a story true enough across everything  in my life,  but for each area I'll outline the rough rules of each story's world. So that hopefully people can get a feel for the rules of each world and then the unconnected a

Before first thoughts a dedication

Hi all, Have agonised over how to start this blog,  or indeed whether to. So before an actual beginning a dedication to a very special person. She has shaped me and twisted me to her tastes, over many happy years and so.... To my dearest Miss You weren't the first and Alas you won't be the last But you will always be the best, Yours ever smamf